Image of ItaPara 1 Year Anniversary Sticker (3x8")

ItaPara 1 Year Anniversary Sticker (3x8")

$8.00 USD - Sold out

ItaPara turns 1 year old! Be sure to pre-order this limited 1 year anniversary sticker to celebrate a special time for us as a community. This sticker has our beloved mascot, Itahime Merika, and will be printed with a shimmer/sparkle finish.

ItaPara officially formed on 1/1/2016 at an anime convention in Austin called "Ikkicon". Ikkicon was the first event that we were able to showcase our cars. We can still remember to this day how cold, rainy, and how little of a crowd and interest the group had.

However, because of the amazing members we have, as well as the great support of the community, were we able to grow and become who we are today.

As our motto says: "Behind every itasha is a story, behind every story is our bond."

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