Image of ItaPara 'Beginner's Mark' Parody Sticker (6x7.25")

ItaPara 'Beginner's Mark' Parody Sticker (6x7.25")

$10.00 USD - Sold out

Quite a few of the ItaPara community were wondering when we would have merchandise for sale. Well, this is your lucky day! We decided to create an ItaPara "New Supporter" sticker.

Grab one today for $12

This is a parody sticker featuring our beloved mascot, Itahime Merika. She is placed in front of the Shoshinsha Mark (初心者マーク). In Japan, these yellow and green leaf magnets were designed to identify those who are new or beginners at driving.

Since ItaPara is a relatively new car community, we felt that it was a perfect fit. This design will come in 2 different options: Version 1, the standard green & yellow Shoshinsha Mark and Version 2, the special purple & white edition, which is ItaPara's color scheme.

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